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March 05, 2013

Friendster Down, What reason?

Headline - Friendster is a social network that had become popular in the world a few years ago. Founded in 2002, social networking was a year ahead of MySpace, even two years older than Facebook.

Therefore, Friendster considered to be a pioneer in the world of social networking. At their peak, Friendster has over 100 million users, and users reported the most concentrated in Southeast Asia.

In July 2009 ago, after haunted by some technical issues and new design, social networking is a great disaster. Friendster user traffic plummeted. Both flood, users migrating to social networks Facebook. Slowly but surely, Friendster "suspended animation."

To ascertain the cause, recently there was a study entitled "Social Resilience in Online Communities: The Autopsy of Friendster" (Social Security in Online Communities: An autopsy on Friendster)

The research was conducted by David Garcia, Pavlin Mavrodiev, and Frank Schweitzer, of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. All three are interested in digital Friendster autopsy data obtained before social networking was lost his life.

This study can be used as learning how a social network can succeed and fail. "When the cost of time and effort-far greater than the benefits of a social network, then it is time for the exodus," said David Garcia, Gizmodo launch, March 3, 2013.

He explained that there is one reason that makes the users to be loyal, that friendship structure created antarpengguna social networking.

"Resilience of a social network is determined by the number of friends of the user. So, if most users only have two friends, the social network will disappear. When one of our friends came out, the only remaining one. Ultimately, we are going to leave the social networking it, "said Garcia.

Another case when the users of social networking has 10 friends. If there's one friend is missing, then it is very unlikely that social networking will die. "So, the exact structure of friendship networks become an important indicator of the success of a social network," said Gracia.

In fact, the survival of a social network is determined by two factors. First, the relationship between benefits and costs, and the second is a network of friends. In the case of Friendster, a new design of the site led to the cost of the benefits and social networking are reduced drastically.

"If there is no benefit, then people will realize that being on the site is useless. Ultimately, the site was only history," added Gracia.

source : vivanews

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